Tuesday, April 1, 2008

out of the mouth of babes (literally)

The Littlest Carrotstick just lost another tooth. This time, in order to clarify his expectations, he left the Tooth Fairy a little note ...

Here's to wishful thinking and dreaming big. . .


Farm Girl said...

If it were that easy I just might be extracting every tooth I have. At least he said "please".

Anonymous said...

Uncle to littlest carrotstick just laughed quite heartily at that note- glad our tooth fairy never got one of those-

Liz said...

Marianne - this sounds quite familiar. The other day Peter lost a tooth, and left a note with a picture of a smiling mouth that said, "Dear tooth fairy, last time I lost a tooth I didn't get a dollar and I should have." Nice huh? I agree, at least yours said please. My toot fairy almost left the room in rebellion. With no tooth and having left no money!