Marianne - this sounds quite familiar. The other day Peter lost a tooth, and left a note with a picture of a smiling mouth that said, "Dear tooth fairy, last time I lost a tooth I didn't get a dollar and I should have." Nice huh? I agree, at least yours said please. My toot fairy almost left the room in rebellion. With no tooth and having left no money!
In her lunch you will find a well-balanced lunch consisting of:
1 (one) peanut butter sandwich with RASPBERRY jam (or her husband)
3 baby carrots (the kids)
5/8ths of a fruit roll-up (namely, the Lunch Lady herself, who, though fruity, is still short of being a WHOLE fruit roll-up ((is that good or bad?)))
And one-half pint of lukewarm cardboard flavored chocolate milk (the dog).
And thanks, but no thanks, the Lunch Lady is not interested in trading anything in her lunch. She is more than satisfied with the things on her plate (or in her lunch bag).
If it were that easy I just might be extracting every tooth I have. At least he said "please".
Uncle to littlest carrotstick just laughed quite heartily at that note- glad our tooth fairy never got one of those-
Marianne - this sounds quite familiar. The other day Peter lost a tooth, and left a note with a picture of a smiling mouth that said, "Dear tooth fairy, last time I lost a tooth I didn't get a dollar and I should have." Nice huh? I agree, at least yours said please. My toot fairy almost left the room in rebellion. With no tooth and having left no money!
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