Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ugg! It finally happened. I've been booted out of Primary and exiled into Relief Society.

I am sad.

I might just have to go out and get some Uggs in protest and as a sign of my discontent.

On a happier note, look at the crazy obsession people have with Ugg boots. . .

People have a strange fascination with these things. There are a ton of pictures on flickr that are linked to Ugg boots. My favorite caption was "Okay Mr. Jackson Pollock I'm a super hip artist who doesn't bathe because I'm anti-establishment and spends his days working on the boardwalk to seem like a free spirit guy. Go walk around in your Ugg boots and make your phone call."

But, as frequently happens, the picture didn't live up to the potential of its caption.

Maybe I'll get my Uggs in Magenta. . .


Kate said...

you failed to mention what your new calling in relief society is?

the lunch lady said...

first counselor

Nanette said...

Oooh! Out of the fire and into the frying pan, eh?

Kate said...

hahaha, sounds like hard work, I'm sure you will do great.

Sarah said...

Ha Ha! You weren't righteous enough for Primary! Don't worry, I've NEVER been righteous enough for Primary. It's not so bad in R.S. They don't get snippy at your for talking in the back row.