I have discovered the most wonderful thing.
Although it requires I wear birkenstocks and carry my own reusable and sustainable shopping bags, I have found our city's Farmer's Market.
It wasn't very hard to find. It's just that I finally went.
I don't usually like to be awake in the morning on Saturdays, but the Middle Carrotstick's over-zealous soccer coach has put an end to that. (Sloth. That's a Deadly Sin, you know.)
What wonders have I found at the Farmer's Market? you ask.
in one word,
my treat for today is:
And when you look at the following picture of Gluttony Incarnate you will know why.
This Asiago Basil Artisan Bread is not just a lovely collection of carbs. It is Gluttony. Especially lightly toasted and spread with butter.
Mmmmmmmm. That's all I can say, with my mouth crammed full of bread. Mmmmm. We originally bought only one loaf. We took it home. Tried it. Ate half of it in 5 minutes. And had to go back and get another one. Or two. (Greed. Another Deadly Sin.)
This Trading Treats Tuesday, may I recommend you get thee to a Farmer's Market and see if, perchance, you can find a loaf of Gluttony of your own to enjoy. 'Cause I don't want to make you guilty of another Deadly Sin -- Envy -- so you'd better get your own. Just don't buy them all, or you might incite my Wrath (another Deadly Sin. I just can't seem to get away from it.)
What Treat are you celebrating today? Go ahead, show a little Pride, and share. Sharing make your Pride less Deadly. Just hold back on your Lusts, if you don't mind. This is a PG-13 blog, after all.
(by the way, don't you love that picture of my Loaf of Gluttony shrouded in plastic wrap? Maybe I should quit my day job and become a bread photographer instead.)